Friday, December 21, 2007

What I'm Watching #120

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"Rock Haven" is an extremely low-budget independent film. The perfected child of its creator David Lewis.

The blurb on the DVD case gives a descent summation: "Is faith stronger than sexual attraction? Beady, an 18-year-old devout Christian, is given that test when he and his mother move to a scenic Northern California coast town where he falls in love with his new neighbor Clifford. There to spread the good word, Brady instead becomes hopelessly attracted to this handsome athlete who is the complete opposite of him: vivacious and free-spirited. There's an instant sexual spark and the two young men must navigate the divide between Brady's beliefs and their budding romance." -- it's mostly accurate.

And now the points that are important:

1) Its production values are not very strong (I'm being generous). The highlights are photographic interludes of the Northern California coast. The MAJOR downer is the incessantly inane adagio score that seems always to accompany the beautiful images of the coastline.

2) The Christian mom played by Laura Jane Coles has just got to be the one and only "Betty Bowers: America's Best Christian!" And how ironic would that be!?

3) As over the top sappy/silly as some of this film is, it still reminds me of my own youthful days of conflict and rings true on many levels. To bad that my "Clifford" turned out to favor playing God's chosen over accepting God's choice for his life!

Every Evangelical Gay Christian should see this film, as well as, those to love them.

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