Thursday, January 10, 2008

Our Latest American Hero #111

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Army Sgt. James K. Healy, 25, of Hesperia, Calif.; assigned to the 703rd Explosive Ordnance Detachment, Fort Knox, Ky.; died Jan. 7 at Jalalabad Airfield, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. Also killed was Maj. Michael L. Green.

"Hesperia High Graduate Killed In Afghanistan"

Sgt. James K. Healy died trying to make Afghanistan safer for its citizens and U.S.-led coalition in the country.

Healy, 25, a 2000 Hesperia High School graduate, was a member of the 703rd Explosive Ordnance Disposal Detachment. His unit locates, recovers and dismantles improved explosive devices (IEDs).

Healy was on his way to disable an IED in Laghar Juy when his Humvee struck a hidden explosive. Healy and Maj. Michael L. Green, of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, died at Jalalabad Airfield of wounds suffered in the explosion, the Department of Defense announced Wednesday.

Healy's unit was deployed to Afghanistan in August as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, the military operation in Afghanistan launched in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. The 24-member unit had previously been deployed in Iraq and suffered two fatalities there.

Healy is survived by his wife Shannon and a 13-month-old son.

[And George Bush has just committed another 3,000 U.S. troups to join the 26,000 (less 2) already in Afghanistan. When will this nation rise up and whip its own ass? ~ randuwa]

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