Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Recommendation From The Times

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Anyone who knows me, knows I care deeply about the cost of our War on Terrorism. And it's NOT the money, stupid. It's the lives lost, and the lives wounded, and the lives broken and left to fend among us for their sanity and survival.

The article in the New York Times entitled "Across America, Deadly Echoes of Foreign Battles" and found online at: ts.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin is an eye opener and a heart breaker, and it expresses just one aspect of my profound consternation with the way we as a nation care for our own.

In a related thought, let me say this: the NYTimes is by far the best newspaper in the country; and this exposé on vets who return home only to continue the carnage of the war is an excellent example of why that is true. I read it almost every day, and you should, too.

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