Sunday, January 20, 2008

What I'm Watching #127

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"Red Dirt" is one of those films that I've known about forever and knew that on the strength of Karen Black's participation alone I would eventually end up getting it. And here it is; time to share a thought about it....hard to know where to begin.

The ensemble is talented and plays like a group of actors in a stage production. In the time honored homage to the only southern classic it desperately seeks to channel Truman Capote with mixed success. The performance of the afore mentioned Ms. Black is particularly enigmatic. In her crazier moments she's absolutely bat-ass loony and not always in that enthralling Blanche Dubois way, but more like that fingernails on a chalkboard way. And in these scenes she drags her co-star, Dan Montgomery, into the vortex with her.

On the bright side, most of the movie is better played. Co-star Aleksa Palladino is a actor to watch and when the Adonis, Walton Goggins strips down to take an impromptu shower while discussing the finer point of life in Pine Apple, Mississippi with his love interest (Dan Montgomery)...well, get out the optical insulin, cause this eye candy will toss you into diabetic shock without a second glance.

Do I recommend it? If you're a Karen Black fan, get it, get some friends together, open a bottle of wine, order a pizza, and sprinkle liberally with witty commentary.

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