Saturday, January 26, 2008

What I'm Watching #131

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
So today was a trifecta.

And in the third race "Saturday Night At The Baths".

When I was 11 and in the 6th grade, my friends and I wrote and filmed a movie! It was on 8mm film with the help of a teacher's aid's husband, Mr. G. The final production was coherent and enjoyable, yet "jumpy" and off-focus at times.

I thought of this as I watched this film. It's sincere, and sensual, and well acted in that 11 year old sort of way. It's an anthropological treasure trove of 1970's gay city life. And it's not sappy story telling: no football caught, no puppy saved at the end. I would think that it would make a good experience for any GLBT studies class.

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