Sunday, February 17, 2008

Art I'm Seeing #28

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Went down to the Corcoran Gallery of Art in DC this morning specifically to see the three piece retrospective of video portraits by Jeremy Blake. Blake was actually a native of my adopted town of residence, Takoma Park.

His works run about 15 minutes a piece and consist of a continually morphing montage of images (both collage and drawn) with audio accompaniment both musical and narrative. The narration is provided by the videos' subjects. The works are lush and mesmerizing.

knowning that Blake committed suicide this past June, also lent an air of hallowed mystery to the venue--a large blackened gallery illuminated only by the reflected psychodelic splashes of color from the three huge screenings. Headphones were provided to allow viewers to listen to each work in turn.

At the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. through March 2nd.

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