Saturday, February 02, 2008


Originally uploaded by Randuwa
These images are from advertisements for the product called "Bufalo" to be used to polish and restore leather products. Hence the water buffalo/sofa and the python/belt. It's clever photoshopping, but to me it's also rather ghoulish.

On a planet in which species diversity is dwindling at dramatic rates, we have to raise consciousness around ideas of preservation, not consumption.

Last evening I went out back to deposit some recyclables in my bin only to discover that all my bins had been upturned! Something was looking for something. And then I felt the eyes. Looking into my neighbors yard through the maze of branches of the defoliated althea hedge that lines the fencerow, I saw a deer. Not an unusual sighting anymore.

She stood still, alert, unafraid. In the graying twilight of a cloudy, rainy day, there was also an air of ill-being about her. I spoke gently and with a soothing voice to her and she responded by cocking her ears and readjusting her stance. That's when I realized that her left hind leg was held up in an awkward manner.

Squinting and trying to get a better look, it was clear that her hindquarter was seriously injured. There was no blood; it was not a fresh wound. Her protruding ribs testified to this.

I retreated into my home and grabbed a head of broccoli, a couple of pears and an apple from my fridge. I returned to find her waiting and gingerly tossed the food in her direction with the technique of a bocce ball player. As they rolled along the ground she retreated a few cautious steps. And then I went inside. This morning all but the broccoli was gone (apparently, she's a Republican!).

I have no great hope that her life remains long on this planet. I also really had no other recourse. The police won't come under such benign circumstances; neither will animal control. A rabid deer? Yes; a starving deer? No.

Perhaps someday, if I find myself in a similar circumstance, some stranger will offer me a pear....

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