Saturday, March 08, 2008

Democratic Party Primary Results #3

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The last map was posted on February 10th before the "Potomac Primaries" and all of the others since (MD, DC, VA, WI, VT, RI, OH, TX and WY).

The results of these 9 contests split 6 to 3 (or 7 to 2 by way of delegates) in favor of Obama.

That is Obama wins: the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, Wisconsin, Vermont, and Wyoming. And Clinton wins Ohio and Rhode Island. The contentious state is Texas. Clinton won 51% of he popular vote, but Obama won 56% of the secondary caucus round. This gives Clinton more votes, but Obama more delegates. And, in the end, it's the delegates (NOT the votes) that determine the party's candidate.

Therefore, of the 40 states to have already votes, 12 have gone to Clinton, and 28 to Obama. Hillary, darling, wake up and smell the reality....

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