Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ticklebox Repair #3

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
A young man had an overpowering feeling that he was becoming a moth. One evening he told his doctor about this.

His doctor replied, "Son, I'm only a general practicioner. You ought to see a psychologist about this."

"I was on my way to a psychologist," said the young man. "And then I noticed that your light was on......."


  1. I used this one in a sermon a few months ago. I actually got a laugh out of an Anglo-Catholic congregation, no mean feat.

  2. Chris, No mean feat, indeed!

    I love jokes like these~! No one is denegrated. No profanity is uttered. And when told well, they sneak up on you and award your intellectual capacity to connect the dots! No wonder your Anglo-Catholic audience enjoyed it.
