Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Did It!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Keeping with the theme of water (previous post), I bought a fountain for my garden. I bought it at my local all-purpose nursery, Behnke's in Greenbelt. I'd been scoping out the options for weeks, and playing with the notion for months. I did my homework:

It's a model 427-F cast stone fountain created in the Tennessee factory of Al's Garden Art. Al's has been crafting cast stone fountains since 1949. This one is described as the "ornate swirl fountain," stands at 40" tall, and weighs in at 230 lbs. I'm planning on setting it up in the middle of the circle garden in my front yard. A garden that will undergo a bit of a face-lift as part of the advent of this fountain.

I've really been enjoying my gardens this year.

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