Sunday, May 04, 2008

Early-May Gardens #4 with Random Quote #89

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
This was a near perfect day for spring in Washington, D. C. I worked in the yard through the heart of it. transferring plants, planting others recently purchased, watering new beds before they become dry, and chatting with my neighbor, J.

Here, St. Francis stands on the edge of a sea of a purple leafed perennials who's name escapes me. Flanking him is the ornate foliage of several celandine poppies; while dancing in the breeze are the yellow blossoms of the ubiquitous European variagated Hawkweed--A plant that both blesses and curses: it's graceful flowers fill my gardens with flecks of yellow joy, even as, its seeds spread it's prolific progeny to the utmost edges of my yard and beyond....

And to think that only 6 weeks ago Francis stared down upon a barren landscape of dirt and stones....

So, says he:

"While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart. "

~ St. Francis of Assisi, 1182 - 1226

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