Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Original "Post-a-Notes"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Before the Internet and even television--Back when the radio was the new kid on the block--Information was conveyed by the word. Newspapers reign supreme and when things got really bad, or ideas demanded repeated attention there were POSTERS.

This one comes from the "WPA Art Project of Chicago" back in the early 1930's. It was sent to me by a dear friend on the cusp of my recent (now annual) STD blood work-up--All the negatives and positives where correctly arrayed.

And as a Gay Man who is "not dead yet", this ritual is for me an important part of being responsible. It's honestly nothing that I ever imagined I would have to do, but what can I say? Life isn't ours to script nearly as much as it demands of us constant improvisation.

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