Friday, May 30, 2008

What I'm Watching #145

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Is a short film from Brazil (avec France's Canal + financing) called "Cowboy Forever". It's part of a collection of films called "Not | Gay".

It's told in a documentary style. We meet the young gay gaucho, Govinda...though he knows he is different from his companions, he's never acted out on his feelings. Enter the new guy into the crew, Jones, who takes a shine to Govinda; and then takes him to the city to meet his gay and utterly inclusive circle of friends--even though Jones is decidedly straight.

It is the awakening Govinda has been waiting for, and Jones is the friend whose love and understanding brings him there.

It's a beautiful short film. Neatly conceived. Beautifully filmed.

An excellent 27 minutes of cinematography.

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