Saturday, June 14, 2008

McCain VS Obama #03 ~ MISSISSIPPI: Will The South Rise Again?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I think it will. And I think that Mississippi is a good place to gauge this latest rebirth. Like Montana the citizens of this southern delta state are feeling the economic pinch of rising gas prices far more acutely than the rest of us. There is not a single county in the state where the monthly average percentage of household income is below or even equal to the national average of 4%. For all but nine of the state's counties the average is from twice to four times! the national average. This cannot be making the citizens of Mississippi very happy with the economy.

This is an unhappiness that was recently expressed in a special election when a long-time Republican held house seat was picked up by a Democrat. Mississippi is presently represented in congress by 3 Democrats and 1 Republican.

This fall Mississippi will be electing both of it Senators, and while Thad Cochran is probably likely to retain his Republican seat, I predict that there's a very good chance that the Democrat candidate, Ronnie Musgrove, will pick up the open seat left by Republican Trent Lott when he quit to go work for a lobbying firm before a new law kicked in that would have kept him from doing that for a couple of years -- can you blame him? Life is short, and who can afford to forego making millions off of your public service even for just a couple of years....

And I think that Obama would be smart to put resources into Mississippi, especially as far as they support the election of a Democrat to the senate. The move will also force the RNC to spend money in a state that they probably hadn't given much thought about. The more spent in Mississippi, the less to spend in Florida and Ohio.

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