Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Wrens

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
There's a painting, done in the style of Audubon, which depicts a family of wrens who have built their nest in an old hat hung on a fence post by a nail. I was reminded of this today when a wren darted out of a wrought-iron wall planter that I have attached to the back of my sun porch.

Well hidden among the flowers, the nest is built on its side like a wigwam. The enclosure is entered from the side and has a solid "roof" over the chamber where the eggs are to be laid.

The problem is that I will need to water the planter on a regular basis or the plants will die which would actually defeat the purpose of building the nest where they have. I guess I will try to do it with a gentle shower from a hose held at a distance.

Wrens are fascinating.

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