Thursday, July 24, 2008

Brookside Gardens View #4

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
One of the many "points of interest" is this "Reflection Terrace" with its view of the Japanese Tea House in the distance. The stone directly in front of you in this photo contains the following quote:

"Linger here and reflect on those lost to violence
Hope for a more peaceful world
Seek a reverence for life among all people"

Turn to your left and you'll encounter a larger stone inscribed with the history of the sniper attacks that terrorized MD-DC-VA back in October of 2002. Look to your right and ensconced upon a third stone are the names of those who's lives were so violently and senseless taken.

And while I stood taking all of this in, a very aggressive red-winged blackbird strafed me over and over again in spite of my gentle verbal banter in response. Which just goes to show you, "one man's sanctuary is another bird's home".....

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