Saturday, July 19, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #05

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The last couple of weeks have been generally slow, a little movement here a little movement there. But this week was full of movement And most of the good news went to the Democrats. Postive movement toward Obama totals: 68 EC votes while positive movement toward McCain totals: 22 EC Votes.

Obama states that are hardening:
Washington 10, Oregon 7, Minnesota 10, Iowa 7

Obama states that are softening:

Obama pick-up states:
Nevada 5

States that went to tied from Obama support
Virginia 13

McCain states that are hardening:
Arkansas 6, Alaska 3

McCain States that are softening:
South Dakota 3, North Carolina 15

McCain pick-up states:

States that went to tied from McCain support
Missouri 11

Additionally, two more senate races have turned in favor of the Democrats: Alaska and Oregon; two others softened toward the Democrats Maine and Minnesota. As all 35 races (both seats are being contested in Mississippi and Wyoming) currently stand in the poles the Democrats are poised to pick up six seats: Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon and Viriginia. (and the race for the open seat in Mississippi is too close to call....)

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