Saturday, July 26, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #06

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Another busy week in the polls and the numbers have narrowed slightly as McCain comes out on top in Ohio and North Dakota for a total gain of 23 EC votes; however, this was off-set by Florida's return to the tied column for a loss of 27 EC votes. Additionally, McCain's numbers in South Carolina have strengthened considerably with a 53% to 40% margin over Obama. According to the Research 2000 poll, the story in South Carolina is the white vote which is tracking 85% to senator McCain.

While McCain ate bratwurst in the gay enclave of Columbus, Ohio known as German Village (Great Brats! BTW); Obama shot hoops with Jordanians and gave a little speech to 200,000 Germans. And one of the interesting things from last week is that both candidates took net losses in their EC vote counts...go figure! Obama saw support slip in New Hampshire and Minnesota, but his numbers strengthened in Pennsylvania. And the story for Obama in the polls for me this week is Colorado. And actually it's the story for McCain, too.

In one of the continuing series of McCain campaign odd moments, the Arizona senator gave a speech in Denver about the War and his hawkish policies, then tooled off to have a pow wow with the Dalai Lama, noteworthy globe trotting peacenik. On the day of his visit, NPR reported that McCain had taken a slight lead in the polls in Colorado. I searched for this poll and I think that they were refering to the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute poll that showed voters sentiments as McCain 46% to Obama's 44% (within the traditional margine of error).

HOWEVER, the day after McCain visited Colorado and appeared thoughout the state via TV news covereage and newspaper articles concerning his speeches and interactions, the Rasmussen Organization took a pole with the following results: Obama 49% to McCain's 42%. 7% difference = Moderately Obama. Sorry, John.

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