Sunday, July 20, 2008

Senatorial Races 2008 #01

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
For the second biennial cycle in a row the Republicans have everything to loose and the Democrats are poised to make some amazing gains.

Democrats have 4 states solidly in their grasp: Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia. This places another woman in the senate! Yeah!! The first brother duo. Wow. And Virginia will have two of the most respected and influential junior senators in the nation.

Add to that races in Alaska, Mississippi, and Oregon that are leaning toward the Democrats; along side races in Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, and Minnesota that are within the realm of the Democrat's grasp...and you could be talking about an 11 seat gain. That's why the Republicans are now investing in Depends diapers! All they got to crow about is tough and sweet Mary Landrieu in Louisiana, and I will predict that she will weather this hexannual storm better than New Orleans vs Katrina.

I will post about the senate races on Sunday's when there are changes in the polls. No post, no change.


Anonymous said...

I am a conservative in Louisiana. Mary Landrieu was the only local senator to FIGHT for SE LA after the devastation of Katrina. She will survive.

Randuwa said...

Thanks for the info! And more important, glad that you survived that horror, too. Blessings!