Thursday, July 03, 2008

Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2008

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
If it's the 4th of July, then it's Folklife Festival time in DC. The festival is an annual event that spotlights folklife from three venues: A state, a country, and a science-based idea or organization. This year the three are:

1) Texas: A Celebration of Music, Food, and Wine

2) Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon

and 3) NASA: 50 Years and Beyond

This year's a real mixed bag, I share some photos to follow and some thoughts, but in a word or phrase here's the shorthand review of the exhibits. Texas: LAME! Bhutan: ROCKS! NASA: A Science Geeks' Paradise!

If you live in the DC area and want a fun stay-cation, come to the National Mall by the 6th of July.

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