Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dem Convention Moment #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Oh, Hillary!

You hit the ball out of the ball park! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Take this speech on the road--I beg you. You need to campaign in Pittsburgh, Erie, Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, you need to rally the troops in Fort Smith, Little Rock, Stuttgart, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans: Grab their hearts in Tupelo, Jackson, Boluxi, Mobile, Montgomery, Tifton, Americus, Macon and Marietta! Make winning the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, of Arkansas and Louisiana, and of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia your goal and I'll bet you, you can secure at least 70 Electorial College Votes for the change you spoke of this evening!

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