Friday, August 08, 2008

Lego Factory Series #5

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
In the spirit of the Lego "Factory" series of architectual models I have completed my second offering. It's a firehouse based on images from New England, the Midwest, and the District of Colombia. As such it really doesn't looking like anything to be found in Manchester, New Hampshire, Georgia and Sheridan Avenues in D.C., or Madison, Indiana--but it draws aspects from all over the place.

In keeping with the Lego models, it is detachable in 5 parts. The main floor reveals a reception area, and desks for dispatchers and central control teams. The second floor features a rec room with a ping-pong table, a dinning room, a kitchen, and a sleeping room with four beds and six lockers. The top of the watchtower is basically an empty space. At least, for now. . . .

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