Saturday, August 30, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #11

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
First off, none of these polls reflects yesterday's announcement by John McCain of his running mate, Sarah Palin. The most recent poll reflected here is from the 28th.

With so many states in flux, you could argue that this week was Obama's by a landslide; however, 3 key states Florida, Virginia, and Ohio only tipped in his direction by a margin of 1 or 2 percentage points. having said that I am going to revert back to a list of states and their movements to recap the results.

Obama states that are hardening:
Oregon 7, New Mexico 5, Pennsylvania 21, New York 33, Delaware 3, New Jersey 15

Obama states that are softening:

Obama pick-up states:
Ohio 20, Florida 27, Colorado 9, Alaska 3

States that went from tied to Obama support
Virginia 13

McCain states that are hardening:
Missouri 11, Indiana 11

McCain States that are softening:
Arizona 10

McCain pick-up states:

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