Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our Latest American Hero #124

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Army Pvt. Vincent C. Winston Jr., 22, of St. Louis, Mo.; assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; died Sept. 4 in Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when his vehicle encountered an improvised explosive device.

"St. Louis Soldier Dies In Afghanistan"

A St. Louis family is mourning tonight. Army Pvt. Vincent Winston has become the latest casualty in Operation Enduring Freedom. He died September 4 in Afghanistan.

His mother, Angie Little says, “He was a baby hero. He wasn’t nothing but 22. So young.”

The life of Vincent Winston was cut short in Afghanistan. He enlisted two years ago, but this was his first deployment.

His mother says, “He had just went over there. He just went over there. He couldn’t have been in Afghanistan, what, two whole months.”

According to Little, Afghanistan was a tough adjustment. Winston was just settling into his job as a mechanic when it happened. He and four others were riding in a Humvee when a roadside bomb exploded nearby. Winston died from his injuries.

Angie Little says, “I’m so sad. I’m heartbroken. I’m mad at him and I’m proud of him.”

For Winston, joining the military was family tradition. He was following in his father’s footsteps.

Angie Little says, “He wanted to go in the service and I told him not to because it was during the war. He said ‘I want to mom to get off the streets.’”

His aunt Betty Little says, “We’ve got a dark cloud in our heart. We are so sad. We are hurting.”

Relatives hope Vincent Winston will be remembered as a leader, a role model and a good man.

Betty Little says, “I want them to remember the smile, to remember Vincent as Vincent.”

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