Saturday, September 06, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #12

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
After weeks of creeping Republican gains, this week shows the Democratic candidates continuing their rebound. Even as the ECVote count slide in McCain's direction....It's hard to say what effect McCain's selection of Palin will have as we get to know her better. Of the 7 polls released since her speech at the convention, only Alaska moved in McCain's direction. Prior to her speech, Florida went from two points in Obama's favor to one point in McCain's--a true swing state!

This map also reflects information provided through Zogby polls, as well. Currently I peruse the work of Rasmussen, Survey USA, Research 2000, CNN, CBS/Washington Post, Quippiaq University, and other groups affiliated with various universities. I'm also looking into Gallup and Mason-Dixon. Where Zogby influenced this map, it's polls were released on August 22nd, but were more recent for those states than the existing representation on the map.

Obama states that are hardening: +43
Colorado 9, Iowa 7, Minnesota 10, Michigan 17

Obama states that are softening: -4
New Hampshire 4

Obama pick-up states: +18
North Carolina 15 and North Dakota 3

McCain states that are hardening: +0

McCain States that are softening: -70
Arkansas 6, Indiana 11, Missouri 11, South Carolina 8, Texas 34

McCain pick-up states: +30
Alaska 3, Florida 27

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