Saturday, September 20, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #14

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Another wild ride week for the polls -- did you feel your tummy flip? Softening, switching, hardening by states; Obama moving forward in the national amalgamation. But as we know, we don’t live in a nation where one citizen equals one vote. The game that counts is the state-by-state ECVote tally. And the magic number is 270.

So here’s this weeks state-by-state results:

Obama states that are hardening: +26
Colorado 9, Oregon 7, Washington 10

Obama states that are softening: -31
Maine 4, Minnesota 10, Pennsylvania 21

Obama pick-up states: +20
New Mexico 5, North Carolina 15

States going into neutral: 13
Virginia 13

McCain states that are hardening: +11
South Carolina 8, South Dakota 3

McCain States that are softening: -30
Florida 27, Montana 3

McCain pick-up states: 0

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