Monday, September 29, 2008

Sodahead Asks......

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
On the cusp of the Thursday's VEEP debate in St. Louis between Sarah and Joe, Sodahead dares to ask the question.

In a recent (9/27-28) poll 2,070 people from across the United States responded to the question: “Is Sarah Palin the Messiah for John McCain?” Only 370 said, “yes”--a scant 18%. slightly more of those opposed the questions responded without comment (19%), but 63% left their thoughts to the statement starter: “I think that Sarah Palin is....”

Here’s a random sampling of the most recent replies (I read about 100 of them and found none that were supportive, if even occasionally the writer was nice).

I think Sarah Palin is....

...not good for America. She is a JOKE.

...a self-deluded, irrational, opportunist with MILTF-fantasies

... Why would any American want a dim wit in the White House. We have all had just about enough of that with Bush.

...a good looking mother of five, but sadly as dumb and unqualified to be VP as George Bush is to be POTUS. But then Americans seem to want a President as dumb as dirt. insult

...not qualified to hold any position of importance in the National government. Certainly NOT Vice President of America!

...not a good VP choice at all. She is NOT qualified for the post. If McCain dies, I cannot see her as the leader of the free world.

...a huge mistake!!

...the most scary thing to happen to this country ever! For McCain to choose her, is an unbelivable insult to America and our friends around the world!

...laughable. idiot who should not be in a position of power, period.

...palin is very, very scary.......she has extremely bizarre religious beliefs. empty shell. She doesn't have the foreign or executive judgement needed for the role of Vice President. She is a "puppet" of Karl Rove...and she's not event [sic] good at that.

...Messiah? probably not, swan song, undoubtedly

...I think his choice was a joke. She is not prepared to lead our country through one of the most trying domestice [sic] circumstances we have witnessed since the great depression. As far as her foreign policy. She doesn't have one.

...looks to be a nice person but not President. But good luck to all.

Ah...restores my faith in Americans. Thanks, Sodahead!


  1. yeah well... it doesn't matter what all those people say because they don't have GOD and Sarah does!

    You know... you can keep laughing, but Sarah Palin keeps roping in the endorsements. The latest ones come from Chuck and Sally Heath. See, what you seem to fail to understand is that Sarah Palin is a human interest story. After watching all the conflict and crisis in America today, sometimes you gotta just kick back and take in some empty calories. And you know what? Sarah Palin delivers.

    So to all those naysayers and doomsayers and critics out there that can do what they want because it's a free country, Sarah Palin is just going to be Sarah Palin and take on her next challenge:

    Charming Voters One at a Time

    From your friends at SERENDIPITY

  2. Honey,

    Even God is laughing... We have never been more God's foolish children than in this moment. And I for one thank God for God's gracious sense of humor.

  3. randuwa,

    Hoping you noticed a "hint" of humor in my comment as well. (Make sure to check out all the links)

  4. Links to what? Hell as we are presently knowing it? You're a gem to check in to this conversation again, but you've got to do more than ask to get me to look.

    Tell me how these links transform Palin from a victim of her own words to anything else.

    Blessings! r.

  5. randuwa,

    Have we really gotten to the point that we can't even recognize satire in this nation? Really. I know that the supporters of Palin often come across as a bit thick, but do you really think one would compare Sarah Palin to "empty calories"?!

    Do you know who Chuck and Sally Heath are?

  6. Hey Friend,

    I don't know who the Heath's are.

  7. The Heaths are Sarah Palin's parents... the most substantial endorsement she's been able to achieve in weeks!

  8. MD,

    Perhaps we have lost our perspective! Cheers, r.
