Sunday, September 14, 2008

Spider Tale

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I don't know what it is about spiders and the end of summer, but it always seems like the time of year when you catch them building these amazing webs in your gardens, the woods and fields. Here is a common orb-weaving spider, roughly identified as an araneus cavaticus, extracting the nutrition out of a ladybug in my backyard. The web itself is awesome extending between a crab apple tree and my home for a width of at least 6 feet and a height just a little less than that.

And while I don't especially like spiders, I do try awfully hard to appreciate them.

And now one of my favorite haikus:


With what voice
and what song would you sing, spider,
in this autumn breeze?

~ Basho, 1644 - 1694

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