Tuesday, October 07, 2008

21st Century Living

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Recently, I got a letter from my cable TV provider, RCN, telling me that my service would be unavailable as of October 29th unless I up-graded my television.

The Problem? I bought my little TV in 1984! It isn't capable of having a whatzee-whosit decoder box attached. So what's a reluctant TV viewer to do?

The Solution? I bought a modest, 26" flat screen HDTV! The purchase was made at a local Circuit City franchise after visits to two other stores. (I wandered around my local Sears for 15 minutes without anyone acknowledging my presence....) The salesman at CC was very knowledgeable, attentive, and; I hope he copped a sweet commission on the sale.

On the downside, the screen is over twice the size of my former Tele-Visual-Communication-Device. Making room for it meant readjusting the location of nearly 40 books.

On the upside, as my eyes demonstrate the natural decline in acuity that age brings, it's easier to see the things I do choose to watch.

OMG~ Am I becoming a grumpy old man!?

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