Friday, October 03, 2008


Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The very definition of it. After orchestrating yet another fiscal rape of the American people, George-the-Lesser and Hank shake hands near the capitol--faux Liberty Bell a fitting prop.

Lets do some math:

War on Terror 2,400,000,000,000 (Cong. Budget Off. 24 OCT 07)
Fanny & Freddy 1,250,000,000,000 (ABC News 18 SEP 08)
Wall Street 700,000,000,000

So the conservative, Republican Bush administration has obligated you and me to cover on it's 3 most costly pet projects a total of: $4,350,000,000,000.00 dollars of our tax-paying money.

That's an individual obligation for every man, woman, and child in the nation of $11,447.37. A partnered couple: $22,894.74; a family of four: $45,789.47.

Perhaps history will judge all of this as reasonable and necessary, I am no economist.

But what would our nation look like if we had better spent the money on Infrastructure, mass-transit, technology, education and healthcare? Wouldn't these uses have provided more people with the sorts of jobs that would allow them to make their mortgage payments? Allow them to be consistant consumers who support the manufacturing, service, and leisure sectors? Instead of trusting wealth to trickle down (AN ABSURD CONCEPT WITH ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN REALITY), why not let it percolate up?

Wipe those smiles off of your smug faces boys and realize that history will judge you the simple minded greedy morons that you are!

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