Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Get In The Game!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
It's taken a while, but things are really starting to break open. Obama has just hit or passed the 50% threshhold in 3 important states according to a Quinnipiac University poll. Quin is not a liberal organization. And the margins are also important: 8 points separate Obama from McCain in Florida and Ohio, and 15 points in Pennsylvania. All margins are well beyond the error differential.

In the Senate races; North Carolina and Oregon have been in the Dems' pocket for two weeks now; and while we're still waiting for Minnesota and Mississippi to open up, two new states have been flung into the spotlight: Georgia and Kentucky. In Kentucky the Democrat is suddenly in a dead heat with the former Senate leader Mitch McConnell. In Georgia the race has moving into the margin of error zone.

Key races to support:

Bruce Lunsford for senate in Kentucky
Jim Martin for senate in Georgia
Betsy Markey for Colorado's 09 house seat
Christine Jennings for Florida's 13 house seat
Ashwin Madia for Minnesota's 03 house seat
Dina Titus for Nevada's 01 house seat

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