Saturday, October 11, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #17

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Things are continuing to lean Democratic with West Virginia being the latest surprise for the Republican pronosticators. Rarely polled because of West Virginia's strongly conservative track record, the results of this week's ARG (American Research Group) poll was quite surprising. Obama received 50% support to McCain's 42%; well outside of the margine of error.

The stats:

Obama states that are hardening: + 0

Obama states that are softening: - 20
Nevada 5, North Carolina 15

Obama pick-up states: +5
West Virgina 5

States going into neutral: 0

McCain states that are hardening: + 44
Arizona 10, Texas 34

McCain States that are softening: - 6

McCain pick-up states: + 0

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