Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Day Of Reckoning

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The pollsters' final words before We The People have our say. The average gives Obama 345 Electoral College Votes to McCain's 193.

The states that wink on and off blue and red among the 8 polls listed here include: Florida, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio. With all the talk of swing states and toss-ip states, it's perhaps surprising that only 5 find swing status in these final polls. Also interesting is their frequency of being on one candidate's side versus the other:

Florida ~ 7 times for Obama, 1 time for McCain
Ohio ~ 7 times for Obama, 1 time for McCain
Missouri ~ 4 times for Obama, 4 times for McCain
North Carolina ~ 3 times for Obama, 5 times for McCain
Indiana ~ 1 time for Obama, 7 times for McCain

So get out and VOTE, if you already haven't.

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