Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Presidential Election 2008 Redux #07

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Nevada's description as a swing state was greatly exaggerated in the final analysis. And while only 3 counties voted majority Democratic, the difference in population numbers gave Obama Nevada's 5 EC Votes with a margin of 12.4%. Obama won Nevada by a greater margin than McCain took his home state of Arizona.

Another way to look at the map is to consider Eureka County in the center right of the map. Dark red and having voted in favor of the Republicans by 75.1% of the vote (the greatest support of any of Nevada's counties for the Republican ticket). However, only 745 people voted in Eureka country all together, or 0.07% of the total number of voters in Nevada. Furthermore, compared to 2004, not a single Nevada county voted at higher rates for the Republicans, they all voted at higher rates for the Democrats on November 5th.

It would seem that Nevada is trending toward California and away from Utah.....

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