Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday Newspaper Round-Up

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Snippets from various newspaper around the country on Sunday, two days before this historic election.

Arizona Republic News [ARIZONA]

“Two days before the election, John McCain is behind in every national poll and in polls in nearly every swing state. Barring an unforeseen incident or a well-hidden trove of voters in key states across the country, the Republican Arizona senator appears headed for defeat.”

Denver Post [COLORADO]

“Democrat Barack Obama has solidified his base and picked up a majority of unaffiliated voters in Colorado, giving him a 5 percentage point lead over Republican John McCain, according to a new Denver Post poll.”

Orlando Sentinel [FLORIDA]

“With 48 hours until Election Day and candidates swarming the state like mosquitoes, a new Orlando Sentinel poll suggests that the race for president in Florida remains too close to call.”

Evansville Courier & Press [INDIANA]

“Harold Greenwell feels as if he is shouting and no one can hear him. "People are so easy to forget Sept. 11, 2001," Greenwell said, frustration creeping into his voice. "I know the economy is the issue right now, but if we're attacked by the terrorists again, money will be the least of your worries." The Greenwells believe John McCain understands the nature of the terrorist threat.”

Des Moines Register [IOWA]

“Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has strengthened his advantage in The Des Moines Register's Iowa Poll, establishing a commanding lead over Republican John McCain heading into Tuesday's election.”

New Orleans Times Picayune [LOUISIANA]

“Counting down to Election Day, Barack Obama appears within reach of becoming the nation's first black president as the epic campaign draws to a close against a backdrop of economic crisis and lingering war.”

Baltimore Sun [MARYLAND]

“With polls showing Barack Obama ahead in the final hours of the '08 contest, John McCain faces daunting odds if he is to pull off what his own camp says would be an historic comeback.”

Columbia Tribune [MISSOURI]

“There is an issue of intensity versus numbers here,” said George Connor, a political science professor at Missouri State University. “It’s not about convincing undecided voters. I can’t imagine there are too many people still undecided. It’s about turning out the base.”

Manchester Union Leader [NEW HAMPSHIRE]

“If you believe recent election polls, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is ahead in New Hampshire by 25 ... by 18 ... by 11 ... by 5 4.
“Or maybe not at all -- if you factor in the margin of error.”

Clovis News Journal [NEW MEXICO]

“The CNJ polled 20 fifth-graders at James Bickley Elementary School on the presidential election.

• 5 voted for John McCain

• 15 voted for Barack Obama”

Raleigh The News & Observer [NORTH CAROLINA]

“The Democrats campaign is culminating in an anormous door-by-door effort. North Carolina is one of its key targets.”
“The results are already showing a lopsided turnout by Democrats... The scale of the operation had left even some Republicans impressed.”

Columbus Dispatch [OHIO]

“The final Dispatch Poll shows the Illinois Democrat with a 6-point lead in Ohio, virtually identical to the 7-point advantage he held a month ago.”

Portland Tribune [OREGON]

“A new Portland Tribune/Fox 12 poll suggests Oregon voters will hand Democrat Barack Obama the state’s largest victory margin of any presidential candidate since Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 landslide over Barry Goldwater.”

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