Saturday, December 06, 2008

Lego Factory Series #7

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
This is actually my 3rd creation inspired by the new Lego Factory series of city buildings. It's two buildings in modular construction with 7 removable sections. The corner store with the 3 quarters round copula is inspired by many such buildings here in Washington, D.C. and west in San Francisco. One I remember particularly well is on the corner of Haight and Ashberry.

I designed it's neighbor as an ice cream shop.

I have plans to fit out the interiors, as well. The corner store will be a bookstore/cafe a la Kramer's Books here in D.C.

Never under estimate the power of imagination coupled with creativity and a desire to problem solve. If I could buy only one gift for a child, it would be Lego. And if I could tell adults everywhere one aspect of the secret of youthfulness, it would be to never forget what it is to have been a child. To not be afraid to play like a child.

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