Monday, January 26, 2009

Are We Human Or Are We Dancer?

Emily Troutman's wonderful video about the words that describe the way people felt at the Inauguration of President Obama.

President Obama: Words for How We Feel Now from Emily Troutman on Vimeo.

In the artist's own words:

"This week I made my way around Washington, D.C. and asked hundreds of people to pick words to represent how they feel now, at the dawn of a new beginning for the United States. Participants chose from 26 words:

"Alive, Angry, Anxious, Awed, Believe, Curious, Dancer, Excited, Grateful, Happy, Hopeful, Human, Humble, Jealous, Joyful, Love, Obama, Patient, Proud, Ready, Scared, Skeptical, Tired, Together, Wonder, Worried"

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