Friday, January 09, 2009

Midge O'Brien RIP

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I learned yesterday of the passing into ancestory of a dear friend. This picture goes back to the mid/late 1980's when we first met on a summer paint crew for the Fayette County Kentucky Public Schools. At the time she was working as a teacher's aid and painting to keep the hourly wages coming. A native of Wisconsin, I'm convinced it was our Great Lakes backgrounds that cemented our bonds of friendship.

There are so many stories that I am currently swimming through as I grieve. But suffice it to say that Midge tought me 1) The most valuable lesson of parenthood is "letting go", 2) No object is ever more important than any person, and 3) no matter that you have no matterial thing, you can still transform others with your presence.

Tonight I really cried.

Be at peace, Midge, and soar!

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