Monday, January 19, 2009

View #10

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The crowds reminded me in number of the Cherry Blossom festival or the Folkways Summer Expositions. In composition, they were unique in my experience of nearly 15 years here in DC. At any other event that I have ever attended on the Mall (America's backyard) the ratio of Black Americans rarely reaches 1 in 20. Today, I was thrilled to see 50% of the people were African American.

From utter disenfranchisement to enthusiastic participation may not bring change overnight to heal this nation's deep wounds of racism, but until the wounded both feel and respond to a hope greater than the system--a hope NOT beholden to me, a white guy, and my perceived power and role in racist oppression, change will not occur.

There are jokes a plenty about Obama being a Messiah. Of course, in a religious context that's blasphemous. Yet, in a cultural way, he really is.

It's been a long time coming...and thank God, I am alive to see it happen!

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