Sunday, January 11, 2009

What I'm Watching #180

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"A Very Natural Thing" is a movie made at a time (1973) and about a subject (Gay Life) that automatically distinguishes it as anthropologically important. It's been described as the gay response to the 1970 straight iconoclast 'Love Story". And I don't find hubris in that comparison.

The story follows the coming out of David. He leaves a monastery and moves to NYC. There he meets Michael and they attempt a life together that lasts about 3 years before failing due to Michael’s wanderlust. Next, David meets Jason at the 1973 Pride Parade/Celebrations and the process of becoming a couple starts over again. Jason's journey has led him from his first marriage to a woman to wanting a life with another man.

So now Jason is the instigator, but a wiser David keeps things in perspective. The final scene of Jason and David playing in the surf of the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Cod adorns the cover and is an amazingly beautiful finale to the film.

The movie is stark in its portrayal of sex between men. Bold and I'm certain shocking for its time (FORGET "Last Tango in Paris," and "Midnight Cowboy"--they are sad wannabees.)

Of the three principal actors:

Michael - Curt Gareth ~ Was never heard from again
David - Robert Joel ~ Died in 1992 from AIDS
Jason - Bo White ~ Last acted in a bit part in 2004

"A Very Natural Thing" is a very important act of cinema. All three men took part in a statement of personhood that deserves to be seen and remembered.

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