Thursday, January 15, 2009

What I'm Watching #181

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
After watching the first commercially distributed gay themed film made in the United States, "A Very Natural Thing," I watched the first commercially distributed gay themed film made in the United Kingdom: "Nighthawks."

And, like, WOW.

The U.S. entry was made in 1973; the Brits weighed in five years later in 1978. The comparison ought forever dispel the notion of a liberal European ethos.

In a nutshell: the film demonstrates 1) why there was a closet, 2) why emulating Judeo-Christian heterosexual mores is like fitting a square peg into a round hole, and finally, 3) how breaking ground in this arena in the 70's was a career killer!

Only anthropologists, sociologists, and gay film buffs need apply.

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