Sunday, March 01, 2009

What I'm Watching #189

najumpnthebroom, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Two movies on a Sunday afternoon? Yes, it's snowing in D.C.!

Fans of the Logo series Noah's Arc will appreciate this post series movie that ties up the loose ends left by the series abrupt cancellation after two years on the budding GLBT network. It's all the characters from the cable show and the subject is once again love! They go from crazy to calm discovering themselves all along the way.

Best line: (when Ricky returns to the house after a night in jail) "He's done lost his mind. Blowing strangers in the park will do that to you--especially if their dick is big."

Best moment: The wedding vows. They would make a stone weep and turn a stick into a hopeless romantic. Believe it!

Must see TV!

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