Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Recipe #01 - Red Soup!

redsoup, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

I love cooking. I believe anybody can cook and cook well. And one of the easiest things to make is soup. Soup is the quintessential "comfort food" for any circumstance.

This one I call "Red Soup" and here's how to make it.

#1 ~ Start a large pot with a gallon of water and add a teaspoon of Kosher salt, a heaping teaspoon of canned or fresh minced garlic, a dozen churns on a pepper mill of fresh ground black pepper, and 3 cubes of beef boullion. Let it boil gently while you complete step 2.

#2 ~ Chop up the Following vegetables:

- A medium head of red cabbage
- A bundle of scallions
- 2 medium large Jalepeno Peppers
- 1 lb of organic peeled carrots
- 2 medium sixed beets, peeled and then cubed
- 2 8 oz cans of fire-roasted tomatos

Add them to the boiling broth and simmer for 2-3 hours.

#3 You can also add browned stir fried cuts of beef if you want a meet component, but it's yummy as just vegies.

You can serve it hot as is, or with a dollop of sour cream a la Borsch style. Either way, it's robust, healthy and full of nutrients.

Bon Apetite!

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