Sunday, May 03, 2009

My Quilting Ways #10.1

morning, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Finished the first half of my new quilt. It's entitled "Morning" and it's made up of the pattern formed by the random serial numbers on the test booklets of 3 of the 6 second grade teachers at my school.

When recording the numbers, I became more and more fascinated by their random, yet un-chaotic arrangements. The patterns seemed to favor certain numbers and the "favoritism" shifted from one class roster to another.

I took the rosters and created a random set of Tryptichs. This one favors warm colors and is entitled "Morning". The other favors cool colors and it entitled "Evening". Together they form one day. Morning is framed with a dark nuetral gray, Evening with a light nuetral gray.

Numbers are beautiful. n'est pas?

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