Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Quilting Ways #15

quiltcircle3, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Ever start something without knowing where it's going?

You do it just because you gotta get into it, and you have an inkling of an idea, an incomplete thought, a fragment of a concept percolating in your head. It's bursting against the limits of your creative brain cells, so you remove your thumb from the dam and welcome the deluge. That's kind of how this project is evolving.

Here's a third patch of circles on circles and I now see it as not simply circles, but portals. Windows into time and space and other worlds of possibility.

This is now my inspiration. It gives me a focus and sense of mission in this quilt, as well as, a working title: "Portals Into Other Possibilities." It's still clunky, still a work in progress.

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