Saturday, June 13, 2009

Olly Olly Ox In Free! -- Come Out, Come Out!

wesleyeure, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

When I try to parse out what aspects of culture had the most effect, held the most allure, on me as a kid it's gotta be TV. While it never performed the evil duty of surrogate parent, it was something that I spent a good deal of time with--with my parents, who happened to enjoy the medium, as well. And here in June 2009, yet another actor from those golden years has made his sexuality a matter of public record. Wesley Eure who played the David Cassidy look-a-like son on the Saturday morning staple "Land of the Lost," and the erstwhile David Horton on the soap "Days of Our Lives" for a decade has officially set the record clear: He's GAY. His revelation posted on the website includes the year of living dangerously as Richard Chamberland's much younger lover. And to Wesley's credit, in an era that saw many closeted gay actors self-distruct, he's lived a good life with contributions to Nickelodeon TV, two children's books, the author of "Dragon Tales" on PBS, and countless hours of fundraising for causes like a cure for Breast Cancer, shelters for battered women, and AIDs. Welcome into the light. You may finally never have to worry about breathing in the foul smell of moth balls again, er, unless you like that sort of thing....

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