Friday, June 12, 2009

What I'm Reading #16

masnaviima'navi, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Still reading the tales of Jelalu Din Rumi. The translation with gorgeous reproductions of illuminations was a gift from a former student. He bought it for me in Iran during a family vacation two years after leaving my class, and the giving of this gift was such a sweet surprise. The text was written in the 13th century and is naturally heavily influenced by the Koran The tales are written like epic poems and are intended to have a moral edge. They are by and large capricious, and illogical in there presentation of events; mystical and inhumane in their judgments. Basically, they are a reflection of the author's world and religious understandings.

I couldn't help but reflect on the elections today in Iran as I read. It would seem that what is happening there is just the next step in two worlds clashing: that of the 13th century with the 21st. Why modernity frightens so many is beyond me. With but a wisp of a moment to participate in this miracle of life, one would better be served by latching onto wonder, instead of fear.

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