Friday, July 03, 2009

Early July Gardens 01

My Lysimachia Purpurea is in full bloom all around my yard. The deeply maroon to nearly chocolate colored foliage has lightened to a variation of medium purple to olive as the yellow blossoms are popping open. Due the abundance of rain this spring the height of the plants have also increased by a good 6" with some breaking 48".

I have a colony of Coreopsis Verticillata common name Zagreb Coreopsis growing in the little garden beneath my kitchen window. When I first planted it there, it went through a couple of years of only half-hearted return, but for the past 3 years it has thrived and muscled out the Evening Primrose, Bee Balm and Black-eyed Susan's. In mid-May I severely cut it back to make room for some Petunias and Snapdragons, but here it is, completely unwilling to accept any chastening.

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