Sunday, July 05, 2009

One Nation, Indivisible: White Americans

Back on June 7th I published a pair of maps depicted the percentage of Hispanic and Black Americans by county in the United States, and here is a map with the results of where White America lives.

As an ethnic identity, we know that White Americans are on the decline. One aspect of this is the fact that we hold a majority of the population in all of the counties in fewer and fewer states. In 2007, this would be only 18 of the 50 states. Now, you might imagine that 18 whole states (CT, DE, IA, ID, IN, KY, ME, MA, MI, MN, NV, NH, OH, OR, RI, VT, WV, AND WY) is a pretty good place from which stage a conservative backlash. But you would be ill-advised to attempt this give the actual states involved!
Add in Washington, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and you have a lot of very majority white states electing our president Obama. Granted the old white guard offered a stark contrast in ideology, temperment, generation, experience AND skin color--so how much more of a message can the nation send?

We are moving toward a new paradigm. It's one that I honestly don't think our founding fathers would fear. It's one that I am looking forward to with trememndous hope.

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