Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Town Hall Meeting 101

Recently Representative Barney Frank was attacked at a Townhall meeting in Massachusetts by a bat ass stupid little tool of the ReTHUGlican party, and he cut the crap with her like any self-respecting sentient being would without fear, without hesitation, and with a grace that strikes like lightning--a bold bolt of truth-telling.

I sent him the following response in the form of a post card. 28¢ to support him and be an activist! Who among us can't afford that?


Dear Representative Frank,

I know you are a busy and important person. So, I won’t beat around the bush: I thought your response to that young lady who spoke of Obama and Nazism in the same breath at your recent townhall meeting was BRILLIANT! I’ve never been prouder to call myself a Democrat, a Progressive, a Gay Man, or an American! YOU ROCK, sir.
YOU, fucking ROCK! THANK YOU!--I can shout, too....

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